1. Fights against and prevents cancer 2. Maintain overall health 3. Improve sexual abilities 4. Improves diabetic conditions 5. Strengthens body immune system
1. Strenghten and improve body immune system 2. Improves functions of kidney, promote health and longevity 3. Relieve Asthma and other respiratory diseases 4. Prevents cancers and controlling tumour growth 5. Protects cardio and cerebrovascular system 6. Enhances sexual abilities
1. Food supplemet with different kinds of nutrients 2. Improve stamina, resist fatique 3. Enhance digestive system and appetite 4. Improve bllod circulation and body immune system 5. Delays aging 6. Prevents cancers and other diseases 7. Eases susceptibility to respiratory problems and asthamatic symptoms 8. Prevents vascular sclerosis 9. Enhances sexual abilties
1. Lower the blood li[id and effectively. 2. Prevent hyperliidemia (presence of high level of lipid in the blood) 3. Effectively prevent and relieve coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke
Function : 1. Prevents all types of headache and treats migraines 2. Fights against different factors contributing to headache. 3. Improve oxygen supply to the brain. Increase bllod flow and relieves vascular spasms 4. Regulates internal energy and impproves microcirculation. 5. Fundamentally treats the root causes of headache